Performance Rifle + Pistol (2-Day) – 5/18-19
Dates: May 18 + 19, 2024 (2-Day Course)
Location: Homestead Training Center, 11700 SW 304th St, Homestead, FL 33033
Two days focused on pushing your performance with both handgun and rifle. This is not specifically a “competition” or “tactical” class as we will be covering shooting, movement, and mindset which apply to both competitive and “real world” applications.
The class is capped at 12 students to maximize training value and reps.
Required gear:
- Practical rifle (AR/AK variants are preferred but ask if you have any questions)
- Practical pistol with good holster designed for that pistol (OWB preferred)
- Minimum of 3 mags for each
- 2 mag pouches for pistol, 1 for rifle
- Eye/ear protection
- 600 rounds for handgun
- 400 rounds for rifle
- Sling for rifle is recommended