Dynamic Vehicle Defensive Handgun 10/24/20
Are you prepared to defend yourself if the unthinkable should happen?
As the entire world is becoming increasingly unstable it is time to wake up to the fact that you are your own first responder.
This course will focus on applying defensive techniques with an emphasis on concealed carry inside a vehicle! Don’t worry, we won’t be using your vehicle…
This is a unique opportunity to work in an environment not offered at most ranges and this class will fill up FAST.
We will also cover:
• Pushing your boundaries of speed and accuracy
• Drawing from concealment and dealing with malfunctions
• Shoot/No-Shoot decision making
• Practical defensive scenarios
• Mental preparation and how to persevere through injury
Prerequisites: you must be comfortable with safe gun handling, and a willingness to be physically active… you will be pushed to get out of your comfort zone. Email me if you have any questions! I’m here for you!
Required gear: Handgun, quality holster, 300 rounds of ammunition.
Class is limited to only 8 students.