High Performance Handgun (Las Vegas, NV) 2/6/21

Have you unlocked the full potential of your shooting skills? If that’s still a question for you, come out for a full day on the range while we push to a whole new level.
While this class will be focused on efficiency and techniques developed through my years of shooting competitively, I will also breakdown the crossover between the competitive world and the “Tactical/Practical” world. The shooting is the same, the applications differ.
We will cover a wide range of topics including:
- Blending economy and speed in all mechanics
- Target Transitions
- Movement techniques & shooting on the move
- Training mindset
- How to train with less ammo
- When you leave the class you will have a clear understanding of what it means to go fast, how to train more effectively, and plenty of homework!
Required gear & prerequisites:
- Modern semi-auto handgun with a minimum of 3 mags, holster, and mag pouches.
- 300 rounds of ammo (9mm available on request)
- Range gear (eyes, ears, hat, etc)
- Proficient in gun safety and handling. This is not a beginner’s class. If you have ANY questions you can reach out to me at Joe@FarewellFirearms.com.
The class will run approximately 9a-5p.
Class is limited to 8 students.
If you’re interested in attending both the Handgun and Rifle courses you will receive a $100 reimbursement on your registration