Independence Range Day 7/3/22

Come out for the second annual Independence Range Day! (1pm-7pm)… This will be an opportunity for you to come out and get some personalized training, practice your skills, and have a good time celebrating good old American freedoms!
You will have several areas to shoot plus several instructors (including yours truly) offering quick tips and coaching!
In addition to the training, we will be raffling off an AR15 and a pistol and doing giveaways for targets, ammo, and gear every hour.
Raffle/food tickets are for sale for $5 a piece. They can be used to enter the raffles, in exchange for food, etc!
Food and drinks will be available on site. *No alcohol permitted while range is hot* After the range is cold we will have a little bonfire and chill time *BYOB*
More details and sponsor information to come so stay tuned!
Limited 9mm, .223, and .380 ammo will be available for sale on site.
If you’re interested in sponsoring the event shoot me an email at